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<script type = "text/javascript"> var days = 730; // days until cookie expires = 2 years. var lastvisit=new Object(); var firstvisitmsg="<i>Selamat Datang! :D</i>"; lastvisit.subsequentvisitmsg="<i>Selamat Datang Lagi! Terakhir Datang Hari</i> <b>[displaydate]</b>"; lastvisit.getCookie=function(Name){ var re=new RegExp(Name+"=[^;]+", "i"); if (document.cookie.match(re)) return document.cookie.match(re)[0].split("=")[1]; return''; } lastvisit.setCookie=function(name, value, days){ var expireDate = new Date(); var expstring=expireDate.setDate(expireDate.getDate()+parseInt(days)); document.cookie = name+"="+value+"; expires="+expireDate.toGMTString()+"; path=/"; } lastvisit.showmessage = function() { var wh = new Date(); if (lastvisit.getCookie("visitc") == "") { lastvisit.setCookie("visitc", wh, days); document.write(firstvisitmsg); } else { var lv = lastvisit.getCookie("visitc"); var lvp = Date.parse(lv); var now = new Date(); now.setTime(lvp); var day = new Array("Minggu", "Senin", "Selasa", "Rabu", "Kamis", "Jumat", "Sabtu"); var month = new Array ("Januari", "Februari", "Maret", "April", "Mei", "Juni", "Juli", "Augustus", "September", "Oktober", "November", "Desember"); var dd = now.getDate(); var dy = now.getDay(); dy = day[dy]; var mn = now.getMonth(); mn = month[mn]; yy = now.getFullYear(); var hh = now.getHours(); var ampm = "AM"; if (hh >= 12) {ampm = "PM"} if (hh >12){hh = hh - 12}; if (hh == 0) {hh = 12} if (hh < 10) {hh = "0" + hh}; var mins = now.getMinutes(); if (mins < 10) {mins = "0"+ mins} var secs = now.getSeconds(); if (secs < 10) {secs = "0" + secs} var dispDate = dy + ", " + mn + " " + dd + ", " + yy + " " + hh + ":" + mins + " " + ampm document.write(lastvisit.subsequentvisitmsg.replace("[displaydate]", dispDate)) } lastvisit.setCookie("visitc", wh, days); } lastvisit.showmessage(); </script>Simpan deh Source : http://farixsantips.blogspot.com
Posted by 22.38 and have
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Keren sob. Tapi sayangnya ful js ya? takut berat kalo dipasang tempat ane, gimana menurut sobat?
BalasHapusiya sih sebenernya...heehhee
Hapus@Suhendri Mrberkata...
BalasHapusiya sih sebenernya...heehhee